New Jersey Newspapers - July 7, 1980

Camden Courier-Post

Carlton established mark for strikeouts by lefties


By Hal Bodley, Gannett News Service


ST. LOUIS – It was not even one of Steve Carlton's greatest performances of this season, but it was one he will remember years after he has retired.


35-year-old Carlton became the all-time lefthanded strikeout king in major league history yesterday as he hurled the Phillies to an 8-3 victory over the SL Louis Cardinals on another sweltering-hot day in Busch Memorial Stadium.


Carlton, now 14-4 with a 2.15 earned run average, went eight innings, allowing only George Hendrick's fourth-inning homer. Ron Reed pitched the ninth and was touched for the Cards' other two runs.


THE VICTORY LEFT Ae Phils in second place in the National League East, one full game behind Montreal, a 9-4 winner over New York yesterday.


Carlton, who struck out seven Cards, passed Mickey Lolich's record of 2,832 when Tony Scott fanned moments after Hendrick's homer. Carlton, in seventh place on the all-time list, has 2,836 strikeouts. Former Phillie righthander Jim Bunning is in sixth with 2,855. Walter Johnson is the all-time leader with 3,508.


Scott was the third out of the inning and, moments after Carlton returned to the dugout, the crowd of 17,769 gave him a standing ovation. He finally came out of the dugout and waved his hands at them.


CARLTON, IN HIS 15th major, league season, pitched for St. Louis until he was traded to Philadelphia after the 1971 season. He still makes his home here.


"Later, when Steve is able to reflect on it, I think this record will mean a lot to him," said Manager Dallas Green. "At the time, when they gave him the ovation, he was just thinking about winning the game. I'm sure Steve is happy it happened either here or in Philadelphia."


Even though Carlton was never in serious trouble after the Phils gave him a 5-0 lead off nemesis Pete Vuckovich, it was not one of his sharpest outings.


"This is the fourth outing in a row when he didn't have that real good slider," said catcher Bob Boone, "I think this week off for the All-Star Game is going to do him a lot of good. He needs the rest."


BUT CARLTON WAS Carlton and that was good enough to give the Phillies, who had lost two in a row to the "Cards, the kind of performance they needed.


The Phils hammered out six doubles, three by Manny Trillo, and finally kayoed Vuckovich in the sixth inning.


Vuckovich, now 7-6, had beaten the Phils twice this year and had won seven straight games from them, including four in 1979. The last time the Phils defeated him was in April 1978 when he was a relief pitcher.


Actually, when Garry Maddox blasted a three-run homer off the fourth St. Louis pitcher, Kim Seaman, in the eighth the runs appeared to be nothing more than a cushion. But when the Cards came to life to score twice in the ninth with two out off Reed, the runs looked important.


GREEN ESTIMATED the temperature on the field was over 130 degrees and said Carlton could have worked the ninth, but that he felt the lefthander had enough.


"I didn't take him out because of the All-Star Game," said Green. "He's going to Los Angeles, but I don't see how in the world he can pitch in it after today. He threw 104 pitches. Heat like this takes its toll. I was pleased with the way we approached this game. I thought we had more intensity than we showed in the last two."


The Phils vaulted out to a 3-0 lead in the fourth inning and added single runs in the fifth and sixth.


Trillo opened the fifth with his first double and easily scored when Bake McBride doubled to right McBride went to third on Greg Gross' infield out and scored when shortstop Garry Templeton made a wild throw to the plate on Garry Maddox grounder. Maddox, who advanced to second on the play and stole third, came home on Bob Boone's sacrifice fly.


HENDRICK, WHOSE 10th-inning homer gave the Cards a 1-0 victory over the Phils on Friday, blasted a 1-0 Carlton pitch to left field for his 18th homer of the year with one out in the fourth. The Phils got the run back in the fifth when John Vukovich singled to left sped to second on Carlton's infield out and scored on Trillo's second double.


Maddox opened the sixth with a double, went to third on an infield out and raced across the plate on Larry Bowa's suicide squeeze, after which, Pete Vuckovich was replaced by John Urrea.


The Phils loaded the bases against Urrea in the seventh with one out before John Littlefield came in to get Maddox to pop out to Templeton and Boone to ground out.


PHIL UPS The victory gave the Phils a 5-3 road trip, the second trip in a row in which they have had a winning record... They are now 18-18 away from Veterans Stadium... After 76 games last year, the Phils were 39-37, in third place 6 games out... At the All-Star Game break a year ago (July 15), they were tied for second, three games out of first…

Phillies 2nd half tied to Green’s philosophy


By Rusty Pray of the Courier-Post


Baseball has come to its traditional halfway point, toasting the juncture with an All-Star game and a three-day respite.


It is, then, an appropriate time to assess the Phillies; to look at where they have been and attempt to define where they are going. Satchel Page once warned us never to look back, but in the case of the Phillies, the past may be a window to the future.


"I think," Manager Dallas Green was saying, "they were under one guy (Danny Ozark) for so long and during that period they had some great individual success. But those successes were two, three years ago. I understand that we have to have great individual successes, but we've got to convince ourselves that the only way to win is as a team."


WE not I. That was to be the credo of the 1980 Phillies. The slogan was from the gospel according to Dallas Green, a new manager for a new season and a man convinced the word "team" could be found in "individual."


Green might have been the only member of the Phillies who believed in "WE not I" when he first hung that motto on a club house wall in Clearwater during spring training. And now, as the club begins the season's second half, Green remains one of its few followers.


WE not I. A cynic might suggest that a closer characterization of the Phillies would be "WE have met the enemy… and he is ME. Actually, the Phillies have been neither the totally unselfish team of the former, nor the completely uncaring bunch of ego maniacs of the latter. Rather, they've fallen somewhere in between. They are a team more of talent than determination, just as they are a club with greater unity than some others in the National League.


"We have to put aside our individual problems, our individual pettiness and our own struggling to do something for the team," said Green, still believing in his spring training motto. "To change the way we have done things for seven years (under Ozark) to the what I think is the correct way, is difficult. I see strides and I see setbacks. Hopefully, in the second half we will be able to make greater strides and not slip back."


It is a myth that the Phillies are a towering talent in the National League East baseball's most competitive division. There's little doubt they are the division's finest defensive team. Mike Schmidt, Larry Bowa, Manny Trillo, Pete Rose and Garry Maddox all are having outstanding seasons with the glove. But the Phils' pitching is surpassed by both Pittsburgh and Montreal, and their offense is easily equalled by the Pirates, Expos and St. Louis Cardinals.


So the Phils' current second-place status is a triumph of sorts. They've survived chronic pitching problems and, at times their own ennui, to be among the contenders in the East. Surviving something and overcoming it are two different things, however. And if the Phils are to emerge the winner of what promises to be a mad, scrambling pennant race, they'll have to do something more than merely survive.


"We have stayed competitive even though we have not been consistent," Green said. "Right now, it looks like our pitching staff is getting its act together. But we have to pitch better... We have to play more aggressively."


Indeed, aggressive base running was supposed to be one of the hallmarks of the Dallas Green Phillies. They were going to make a dramatic departure from the sit-back-and-wait-for-the-long-ball style of the past But there hasn't been much difference, really, in the number of times they have run under Green and the number of times than ran under Ozark. In fact, at the All-Star break last year, the Phils were attempting a nearly 1 steals per game. This year, they've barely averaged one attempted steal per game.


"We haven't stolen enough bases," said Green. "That comes because Schmitty and Bull (Greg Lnzinski) have hit so well (36 home runs, 99 RBIs between them).


"I've been encouraged with our fundamentals. I'm still not satisfied with the character of this club. I'm pretty good at handling peaks and valleys, but this has been the most frustrating thing for me. I'm still not satisfied the players understand that they cannot win on talent alone."


Only Schmidt, who has hit .280 with 21 homers and 57 RBIs, and Steve Carlton have been consistent. Carlton became something of a mystical figure en route to a 14-4 record, including yesterday's 8-3 victory over the Cards.


"I've been fortunate to have Steve Carlton," said Green, "but I don't think any manager could work through the pitching problems… You don't know half the pitching problems we've had.


Not as severe have been problems at the plate, an area that was of little concern to Green during spring training. The offense has been, at best, sporadic.


"Aside from the character thing," said Green, "I've been most concerned about our offense. Except for a streak of about a month and a half when we had offensive production, there has not been much satisfaction in that department."


Schmidt, second baseman Manny Trillo and rightfielder Bake McBride have hit with authority, but Rose, Bowa and Maddox all have been up and down. Catcher Bob Boone had a troubled first half, Luzinski a bittersweet one. Boone never really got his stroke going, hitting .220. The Bull had a fine May, hitting .312 with eight homers and 18 RBIs, but a had a horrendous June, his figures plummeting to .177 (.245 overall), three and 14.


"If we're not going to get the consistency out of those guys," said Green, "we're going to have to play better team baseball."


As a manager Green has, as he called it, "hung in there." He has been no tactical genius, but strategy in specific situations rarely determines the outcome of a ballgame. He has handled the pitching staff well, juggling a patchwork rotation and getting results from an underrated bullpen. He remained patient, refusing to panic, while others clamored for a trade that would have mortgaged the future of the team.


Perhaps his chief failing has been in converting his players to his We not I philosophy. Green was to be the stern disciplinarian who would run a tight ship. Instead, at times, it seems he has just been along for the cruise.


After a particularly nervewracking doubleheader loss. Green warned, "After the All-Star break, I'll lay it to them: 'From now on, it will be done this way.'"


But, no matter how many laws Green lays down, the Phils fortunes over the second half will be determined largely by pitching. If righthander Nino Espinosa lives op to his shutout promise of last Friday; if Randy Lerch reverses his 3-11 first half; and if Dick Ruthven continues to pitch well enough to win 15 games, the Phils will be part of the pennant race.


Those, of course, are a lot of ifs.


"Really, the key right now to our pitching is Randy Lerch," said Green. "We're going to need him as a fifth starter the second half. If he doesn't get straightened out, we're going to have to make some kind of move."


Other variables – injuries chief among them – will come into play as the season's final three months unfold. The Phillies are quite capable of winning the division, just as they are quite capable of again finishing fourth.


The deciding factor in the direction the Phils take may well come down to the character Green spoke of; the willingness to believe in the WE not I philosophy.

AL hopes to end NL edge


LOS ANGELES (AP) – The outcome isn't reflected in any standings. It's a contest annually accompanied by controversy over the player selection process, and the game itself lacks the lingering tension of the playoffs or the World Series.


But when the teams take the field at Dodger Stadium tomorrow night for the 1980 All-Star Game, it's still the "Midsummer Classic" for fans. And the game seems somehow to bring out the best in baseball's best players.


The contest, to be nationally televised by ABC (Channel 6), is scheduled for a 8:40 start.


The game shapes up as a version of "hungry youngsters versus successful veterans," as the new-look American League squad tries to end the National League's long dominance eight victories in a row and 16 wins in the last 17 meetings.


Half of Manager Earl Weaver's AL squad is comprised of players who'll be making their first All-Star appearances, giving Chuck Tanner'sb NL contingent a definite edge in experience.


Weaver, who hopes to guide the AL to its first victory since 1971, will have just two pitchers on his staff who've seen previous All-Star duty, the Yankees' Tommy John and Rich Gossage. Newcomers are Baltimore's Steve Stone, Kansas City's Larry Gura, Toronto's Dave Stieb, Seattle's Rick Honeycutt, Chicago's Ed Farmer and Boston's Tom Burgmeier.


Tanner's pitching staff will feature Phillie strikeout artist Steve Carlton; Los Angeles' Jerry Reuss, who recently threw a no-hitter; and Chicago's Bruce Sutter, the winning pitcher in the last two All-Star Games. Houston's J.R. Richard, Pittsburgh's Jim Bibby, Los Angeles' Bob Welch, Pittsburgh's Kent Tekulve and San Francisco's Ed Whitson round out the formidable NL mound corps.


The contest will be the first hosted by Los Angeles in 21 years, and the NL lineup will have a distinct Dodger flavor. First baseman Steve Garvey, second baseman Davey Lopes, shortstop Bill Russell and outfielder Reggie Smith of Los Angeles were all voted into the starting lineup.


Although hitting .240 this season, Lopes received 3,862,403 votes, most of any player, raising some accusations that Los Angeles fans overstuffed the ballot box.


"I didn't feel I was having an All- Star type of year," Lopes admitted. "To get more votes than anyone, that's surprising. But it's nice to know you are that popular with the fans."

The Press of Atlantic City

Carlton Strikes Out Cards


Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 3


St. Louis (AP) — Philadelphia's Steve Carlton, the major leagues' winningest pitcher this season, recorded his 14th victory and became baseball’s all-time left-handed strikeout king Sunday in helping the Phillies to an 8-3 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. 


The 35-year-old veteran, who got ninth-inning relief help from Ron Reed, fanned seven to boost his lifetime total to 2,836 — four more than compiled by Mickey Lolich in a 15-year career. Carlton is in his 15th season. 


Carlton, 14-4, gave up seven hits and walked one in improving his lifetime record to 26-8 against the Cardinals, who traded him to the Phillies eight years ago.


Philadelphia took a 3-0 lead in the fourth. Manny Trillo Bake McBride each doubled,  then McBride advanced on a groundout and scored when shortstop Garry Templeton threw home wildly after fielding Garry Maddox’s grounder. 


Maddox took second on the play, stole third and scored on Bob Boone's sacrifice fly. 


Trillo's second of three doubles drove in John Vukovich in the Phillies’ fifth and Larry Bowa's squeeze bunt brought home Maddox in the sixth. 


Maddox completed the runaway with a three-run homer in the ninth. 


Carlton gave up George Hendrick's 18lh homer of the year in the fourth inning. Reed gave up consecutive RBI doubles by Ken Oberkfell and Leon Durham in the ninth for the other St. Louis scores.

Many NL Stars Will Be Home


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Baseball’s 1980 All-Star Game looks like a home game in more ways than one for the Los Angeles Dodgers. 


With Los Angeles hosting the midsummer classic for the first time in 21 years, four Dodgers will be in the National League's starting lineup and hurlers Jerry Reuss and Bob Welch will be on the mound staff of Manager Chuck Tanner. 


Los Angeles’ Steve Garvey will open at first base, Davey Lopes at second, Bill Russell at short and Reggie Smith in the outfield as the fans’ choices. Lopes was the top vote-getter in both leagues, being named on 3,862,403 ballots. 


There was criticism of the fan voting, with some claiming the ballot boxes were stuffed and re-stuffed at Dodger Stadium.


Even Lopes finds his popularity slightly amazing.


“I didn't feel I was having an All-Star type of year,” he said.


Rounding out the NL starting lineup are Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench, outfielders Dave Parker of Pittsburgh and Dave Kingman of Chicago, and third baseman Ray Knight of Cincinnati. Philadelphia’s Mike Schmidt was voted the starting third baseman, but will miss the contest with a hamstring pull. 


Heading the list of 12 reserves is Philadelphia first baseman Pete Rose, on his 14th All-Star squad. 


The NL pitching staff includes, in addition to Reuss and Welch, Philadelphia's Steve Carlton, Pittsburgh's Jim Bibby and Kent Tekulve, Houston’s J.R. Richard, Chicago’s Bruce Sutter and San Francisco's Ed Whitson — named to replace ailing Giants’ teammate Vida Blue. 


The American League, which hasn't won an All-Star Game since 1971 and has won but one of the past 17 contests, tries again with a number of newcomers. 


Half the players on Manager Earl Weaver's AL squad will be making their All-Star debuts. Only two of the pitchers — the new York Yankees’ Tommy John and Rich Gossage — previously have appeared. 


The new AL pitchers are Kansas City's Larry Gura, Baltimore’s Steve Stone, Seattle's Rick Honeycutt, Toronto's Dave Stieb and relievers Ed Farmer of Chicago and Tom Burgmeier of Boston. 


Three AL starters as voted by the fans — Boston outfielder Jim Rice, Milwaukee second baseman Paul Molitor and third baseman George Brett of Kansas City — will not play because of injuries. Milwaukee's Ben Oglivie probably will start in Rice's spot, with either California's Bobby Grich or the Yankees’ Willie Randolph replacing Molitor at second. Graig Nettles of the Yankees or Cleveland's Buddy Bell is expected to start for Brett. 


The other starters are California first baseman Rod Carew, New York shortstop Bucky Dent, Boston's Fred Lynn and New York's Reggie Jackson in the outfield, and Boston’s Carlton Fisk behind the plate. 


Joining the six AL pitchers in their first All-Star Game will be Detroit catcher Lance Parrish, Milwaukee shortstop Robin Yount, Detroit shortstop Alan Trammell and outfielders Ken Landreaux of Minnesota, Al Bumbry of Baltimore, Rickey Henderson of Oakland, Jorge Orta of Cleveland and Oglivie.